
The mighty kingdoms of Sapin and Darv spread across the woods and plains in the southeast. Lurking beyond the continent-spanning barrier of the Grand Mountains and The Wall, Elenoir and the Beast Glades tempt adventurers beyond the relative safety of civilization. Hovering in the sky near the continent’s heart, the Xyrus Academy forges the next generation of powerful mages who bend the elements to their will.

Alacrya is shaped like a great monstrous skull. Rugged peninsulae radiate outwards to the ocean, sundered into four dominions by thick forests, rivers, and a great sea—the Vritra’s Maw. From the disparate settlements hugging the coast, the land rises dramatically to a central hub. The castle fortress of Taegrin Caelum gazes out from the skyward thrust of the Basilisk Fang Mountains.